Daily conversation : How to answer the suggestion

English11 Daily Conversation

The theme of today’s diary is “What should I say in this situation?

The other day, I write about how to express in English when I suggest to buy dinner to my wife.
Then my wife asked me how I answer respond to this suggestion in English.

Are these expressions correct ?

pattern 1:
When she agrees , she says : Yes, please.
When she disagrees , she say : No,thanks.

pattern 2:
When she wanted me to buy dinner , then she would say : Yes please
When she didn’t, then she would say : No, Thanks


上記のように、「yes please」「No thanks.」だと、業務連絡のようで素っ気なく感じるので、以下のような表現がおすすめ。

It would be good. Thank you!
It helps me a lot. Thank you!

I am good. Thank you though.

「I am good」は、「ううん、大丈夫。」みたいな意味。


先日、夕飯を買ってくる時、英語だと 「Do you want me to buy dinner tonight?」という表現になると教わりましたが、
それに対する返信ってどうなるの? と嫁さまちゃんに聞かれたので、考えてみた。

「はい」なら、”Yes, please.”

「いいえ」なら、”No, Thanks.”



Daily conversation : How reply to someone’s suggestion
→How to answer/ response the suggestion

This diary theme is “What should I say in this situation?
→The theme of today’s diary is

The other day, I wrote when I want to suggest buy dinner, what kind of expression it.
→the other day, I write about how to express in English when I suggest to buy dinner to my wife.

In response, my wife asked me how I should respond to this suggestion in English.
→Then my wife asked me how I answer (shouldはなくていいし、あってもいい)〜
In response は何かの問いかけに対しての答えに対して使う。

Is the following expression correct?
→Are these expressions correct?

If she want to agree with my suggestion, she reply “Yes. please”
When she agrees , she says : Yes, please.
When she wanted me to buy dinner , then she would say : Yes please

If she want to don’t agree with my suggestion, she reply “No. thanks”
→When she disagrees , she say : No,thanks.
When she didn’t, then she would say : No, Thanks


日常会話 : 提案に対し、どう返答するか


それに対し、私は妻から、英語で回答する時、どのように返答すればいいの? と聞かれました。


“Yes, please”

“No, Thanks”

