

Beautiful moon outside the window

When I looked outside, a beautiful moon was comming out.Then, I took a picture. But I can't express that's beauty.Why I ...

It’s so hot recently

I often go to park with my son in holiday.It's too hot recently, and there are no pepple.We cant touch playground equipm...

My sons vocation

My son(3 years old) favarite open and closing doors.Sometimes, He open shops door for other customer.They say "Thank you...

Importance of UI/UX

My son download and play apps that he was intrested in habitually.He can play some games without discription, but some a...
Learning english

DNS books trap

I am not understand about DNS, so I bought this book."DNS wo hajimeyou"It's good book.I understand DNS completely thanks...

Food similar to eel

This food looks like eel, but it is pasted fish.It's taste like eel, but maybe only sauce tasted.After all, we need eel ...

Apple clear file is great.

This is a clear file containing a Mac Book repair report.It was only print "White background and apple". So I impressed....

Mac repair

I send my MacBook to repair center because it was broken.I can repair status timely.今年の1月に買ったMac Bookが調子悪かったんで、修理に出した。修理...

He loves outdoor unit.

My son loves a outdoor unit of air conditioner for some reason.When we go for a walk, He always interested in them.He ca...

腹筋ローラー is “ab rollers”

I using ab rollers to care of my helth.But, sometimes my son disturb me.体に気を使っておこうかと腹筋ローラーをしているが、毎回、息子くんが邪魔しにくる。校閲の内容まだ

Confession from my son

My son (3 years old) came to me with a smartphone of my wife, and he held it letter-like and stared straight out with a ...
Learning english


I write a diary in English.I will write it everyday as much as possible.Read here for an overview.英語で日記つけます。できるだけ毎日書こうと思...