A greeting that I didn’t take the time difference into account

earth Learning english

Whenever I ask my teacher to correct my English diary, I say “Good moning!”
But she lives in Vancouver, which means there is a 16-hour time difference , so it wasn’t morning time for her at all.

Then she said, “There’s a very useful word in English, ‘ You can use ‘Hi’ anytime and in any situation

All right!
I’ll use it from now on.

英語日記の添削をお願いする時、毎回「Good morning!」から書き出してるんだけど、お願いしている先生はカナダに居て時差が13時間あるので、全然モーニングじゃなかった。




Whenever I ask my teacher to correct my English diary, I say “Good moning!”
But she lives in Vancouver, which has a 16-hour time difference, so it wasn’t mornings at all.

Then she said, “There’s a very useful word in English, ‘ You can use ‘Hi’ anytime, anywhere.

All right!
I’ll use it next time.


A greeting that I didn’t take into account the time difference
→take the time difference into account

Whenever I ask my teacher to correct my English diary, I say “Good moning!”
But she lives in Vancouver, which has a 16-hour time difference, so it wasn’t mornings at all.
→She lives in Vancouver ,which means there is a 16-hour time difference , so it wasn’t morning time for her at all.

Then she said, “There’s a very useful word in English, ‘ You can use ‘Hi’ anytime, anywhere.
→anytime and in any situation(という意味で言ってました。)

All right!
I’ll use it next time.
→I will use it from now on. (今後もHiを使っていくと思うので変えました。now をtoday にかえてもいいですけど。)

