OS out of support

blog life

By the way, I went to the Bank the other day.

The bank had a PC at the counter.
But the OS of the PC was Windows 7!

Widows 7 was out of support in January 2020!

It’s out of support, so its security patches will not update.

Because of that situation, I thought they were less security conscious.

In 2017, there was a rash of ransomware incidents.
At that time, it was reported in a pie chart of the breakdown of the affected OS.
The graph showed that Windows XP, which had been out of support for a long time accounted about 10%.
The next time a similar incident occurs, I’m interested in what percentage of Windows 7 there is.


その銀行の窓口にPCがあったんだけど、なんと OS が Windows 7 だったんだよ!
ちなみに、Windows 7 は 2020年1月にサポート切れてる。
2017年にランサムウェアが猛威を振るった時、被害に遭った OSに、とっくにサポートが切れていた Windows XP が、確か 10%くらいあったけど、今度は Windows 7 が何%あるか、楽しみだぜ。


so It’s security patches
–> so its security patches

Because in that situation, I thought they were less security conscious.
–> Because of that situation, I thought they were less security conscious.

I’m interested in what percentage of Windows 7.
–>I’m interested in the percentage of Windows 7./I’m interested in what percentage of Windows 7 there is.

