

Expensive tax

I received a notice of property tax payment.It's so expensive that I shout "I don't want to pay!" Every year.固定資産税の納税通知書...

kamishibai 3

Today, my son asked me to do a kamishibai for him.I didn't know it before, but it's a completely different feeling than ...

kamishibai 2

The English kamishibai I bought the other day has arrived.It seems that it was still difficult for my son(3 years old).B...

The way my son runs

My son is so full of energy that he runs around my house.His running style is a bit distinctive, resembling Arare-chan f...

The account I was misunderstanding

When I was playing Android app game 'Animal Crossing', I've followed Shizue's on Twitter.However, it was actually not Sh...

My home in a chaotic situation

My first-born son(3 years old) runs around in my house because he can't go outside and has too much energy.He sometimes ...


I bought a English kamishibai.I try to read it to my kids.It's a purpose that combines self-learning and parenting.I'll ...

My son’s training

When I use ab roller, my son says "I want to do it too."So, his abs were trained.腹筋ローラーやってると、息子くんが「僕もやるー!」といってやり始めるので、こい...

A inactive Instagrammer

I frequenly upload my kids' photo on Instagram.But, I can hardly go out now, so I can't take good photos.よくインスタに子供たちの写真を...

human instinct

I gave my son a Tonkari-corn, So, he put it on his finger and started playing with it.His behavior may be a human instin...

My family’s disaster

First, my first-born son who has a sketchy personality, blows it.Next, my second-born son who has a sensitive nature wil...

run out of ideas

I've been at home so much that I've run out of things to write in my diary.家に引きこもりっぱなしだと、書く事が無くなってくる。。校閲の内容まだ

My son’s kindergarten’s shcedule

Due to the influence of Corona, my son's kindergarten started in May.I hope that this disturbance will be resolved soon....

poorly written Japanese

Sometimes, I get an email from the contact form on my blog requesting a product review.It was written in very poor Japan...

My kids’ playground

My sons play in the bathroom a lot because they can't go anywhere because of Corona.息子たち、コロナの影響で、どこも出かけられなくて元気があり余ってるせいか...
Daily Conversation

Daily conversation : bath time

This diary theme is “What should I say in this situation?”What do I say when I suggest boiling the bath?"Would you like ...

A state of emergency

This morning, I called an ambulance because my wife had collapsed.I really wanted to chaperone her, but I couldn't go ou...

My son’s cavities?

My son (3 years old) was suspected of having a cavity, so I went to the dentist.The result was just dirt.That's great! I...

An animal that we are not usually seen

Today, I found a horse in the AEON parking lot.Can Ordinary homes have this animal?イオンの駐車場に馬が居たけど、普通に飼える動物なのか・・・?校閲の内容まだ
Daily Conversation

Daily conversation : Today’s dinner

This diary theme is “What should I say in this situation?”My wife asked me if we could have curry for dinner today.Is it...

Unreasonable request of my son

My son(3 years old) downloads and plays various Android app games frequently on his own.When he encounters a difficult p...

Normal operation under difficult conditions

Even in this difficult situation, I think that people who post their daily fun things on SNS as if nothing has happened ...

Words we don’t understand

When my wife tried to buy a children's wear for our son, she found a printed word that she didn't understand.She said”I ...

My son’s sabotage

My son said that when I was working on the PC"Dad, don't work! (Play with me!)"and then he close my laptop.息子くん、僕がPCで作業し...
Daily Conversation

Daily conversation : The road we pass

This diary theme is "What should I say in this situation?"One day, out family went out.What should I said when I wanted ...
Daily Conversation

Daily conversation : I want to ask what he watchs

My son often watches Youtube on Android tablet.What should I say when I want to hear what he is watching?Is it correct s...

exchangeable head?

Sometimes my son(3 years old) throws an Anpanman-shaped ball on my head.Sorry. It can't be exchanged for my head.息子くん(3歳...

My son’s behavior in a hospital

I went to hospital because I caught a cold.My son(3 years old) open and close doors for me in a hospital.He is a good bo...
Learning english

Strange English questions for me.

I'm not good at English fill-in-the-blank questions.also, I can't image useful scene."Read the text and guess writer's i...

The man who came late

My wife and I went to all-you-can-eat type BBQ house.After having finished eating dessert, The roast we ordered arrived ...

Reason for I can’t find a receipt.

I input my expenditure little by little.Because I had a hard time last year.last night, I realized I lost a receipt, and...