Corona virus country measure : UK


The other day, I wrote about the events such as a concert under COVID-19 situation in Japan, Canada, and Spain.
This time, I asked another tutor who lives in England and she said :

  • UK went into lockdown.
  • If the number of cases increases, it is probably reimposed restriction. Therefore, the public vigilance is high now.
  • Wearing masks in all public spaces became mandatory and high fins for no wearing mask.
  • All concert venue and movie theatre are closed.
  • Pubs and restaurants are open. You required to keep at least 2 meters of social distance between others.

It’s pretty tough compared to Japan.



  • 以前はロックダウンをしていた。
  • もし、症例数が増えたら、またロックダウンをする可能性がある。そのため、警戒心は高い。
  • 公共の交通機関を使う場合、マスク必着。罰金は結構高い。
  • ライブハウスや映画館は空いてない
  • パブやレストランは空いている。ソーシャルディスタンス 2mを堅持する必要がある。



  • UK used to lockdown.
    →UK went into / was placed into lockdown

  • If the number of cases increases, there is a possibility of lockdown again. Therefore, So public vigilance is high.
    →increase , it is probably reimposed restriction.
    Therefore, the public vigilance is high now.

  • Wearing masks in all public spaces became mandatory and high fins for no wearing mask.

  • All concert venue and movie theatre are closed.

  • Pubs and restaurants are open. You require to keep at least 2 meters of social distance between others.
    →Required to keep〜

It’s pretty tough compared to Japan.

