mushrooms topic

mushrooms Chat Style

Today’s English online, I asked the tutor “do you have another job?”
She replied she was growing mushroom to create chips.

She was growing a kind of mushroom called “White Oyster Mushroom”, but I couldn’t understand what it meant in Japanese by looking at the images and searching the word “White Oyster Mushroom”

After that, we talked about mushrooms.
And I found that shiitake mushrooms are also called “shiitake” in the Philippines.


I thought oyster mushrooms are a type of Eringi mushroom.
Shiitake is a common word that does not need translation in English.


Oh! “Eringi” I din’t notice!
I guess it’s correct! Thank you!

And I didn’t know that Shiitake is a very major word!
It’s a really useful infomation for me! thank you!


“White Oyster Mushroom” という種類のキノコを育てているらしいが、日本語で何ていうのか、調べても画像見てもさっぱり分からなかった。。
そして、フィリピンでは「しいたけ」が、まんま SHITAKE で通じる事が分かった。

えりんぎか! 全然気がつかなかった!



Today’s English online, I ask the tutor do you have another job?
–>Today’s English online, I ask the tutor “do you have another job?”

So, she replyed grow mashroom and create chips and sell.
–>She replied she was growing mushroom to create chips.
and sellはなくても分かるので省略

She growing a kind of mushroom calld “White Oyster Mushroom”, but I can’t understand what it means in Japanese by looking at the images and serched the word.
“White Oyster Mushroom”
ーー>She was growing a kind of mushroom called “White Oyster Mushroom”, but I couldn’t understand what it meant in Japanese by looking at the images and searching the word “White Oyster Mushroom”

After that, we are talking about mushrooms.
–>After that, we talked about mushrooms.

And I found that shitake mushrooms are also called “sitake” in the Philippines.
–>And I found that shiitake mushrooms are also called “shiitake” in the Philippines.

And I didn’t know about Shiitake is so major ward!
–>And I didn’t know that Shiitake is a very major word!

