The finest white wine

wine life

The white wine that we took away from my wife’s parents’ home was fine.
So, I wanted to say “Goooood! It’s Frinday!”, wanted to drink it up and fall asleep.

「は~~~! 明日が土曜日でよかった~~!」


finest white wine

→The finest white wine (最上級は the か my などの所有格必須)

The white wine took away from my wife’s parents’ home was finest.

→ ① take away の主語は「人」なので、The white wine (which/that) we took away from ~ か、The white wine (which/that was) taken away from ~
→ ② was the finest (ただし、fine だけでも「かなりいいワイン」を指す。最上級だと「最高級ワイン」)

So, I wanted to say “Goooood! tomorrow is Saturday!” and wanted to drink up it and sleep well.

→ Tomorrow (大文字に) 米国では It’s Frinday! が主流ですが、原文の表現もok
→ drink it up の語順
→ sleep well は「ゆっくりおやすみ~」とか「よく寝た」に使います。fall asleep = 眠りに落ちるのほうが文脈に合うかも
→ 1文中の並列の and 使用は、最後1回のみが理想(AとBとC→ A, B, and C)ですが、原文でもok

