This game title is “I am Bread”.
In this game, the player becomes a loaf of bread.
And it’s a strange game for the player because the goal is to become delicious toast by aiming for a toaster.
Depending on the stage, the video game player aims for an iron.
The creators of this game are crazy.
『I am Bread』という「プレイヤーは食パンとなり、トースターに突っ込んで美味しいトーストになるのが目的」という変なゲームの実況。
Very strange game
→ A very ~
This is my favorite playing video games on YouTube of my son, who has been hooked on ‘Kizuna Ai’.
→ This is a favorite playing video game on YouTube of my son who has ~.
(① my 除去 ② video 単数 ③カンマ除去)
And it’s a strange game where the goal is for the player to become a delicious toast, aiming for a toaster.
?→ う~ん… And it’s a strange game for the player because the goal is to become delicious toast by aiming for a toaster. かな。
使える知識としては、a toast は「乾杯」の意味になるので、いわゆるトーストには冠詞をつけない or the で特定する点
aims for iron.
→ an iron(冠詞)
Official promotional videos is also crazy.
→ ① The/Their official ~(冠詞)② videos なら are、video なら is
Hahaha, this is a good try to write down about Kizuna AI!