Differences in national character in English lessons

multilingual Learning english

I use an online English lesson service.
That service is 25 minutes per lesson.
Japanese teachers use the whole 25 minutes but foreign teachers ends the class 30 seconds before the class is supposed to finish.

I thought it’s a difference in national character.


そのサービスは、1レッスンあたり 25分です。
日本人講師は、25分を過ぎてから、レッスン終了の準備をしますが、外国人講師の場合は、24分 30秒あたりから、レッスン終了の準備をします。


Japanese teachers prepare for the end of the lesson after 25 minutes, but foreign teachers prepare for the end of the lesson from around 24 minutes and 30 seconds.
→Japanese teachers use the whole 25 minutes but foreign teachers ends the class 30 seconds before the class is supposed to finish.

I felt that there was a difference in national character.
→I thought it’s a difference 〜

