

A nostalgic OS

I found a crazy website.It represents Windows 98 with CSS and JavaScript.And not only that, It also reproduces apps such...

What I was doing unconsciously

When I write a diary, I feel that I am unknowingly writing normal content.I might as well write something more original....

What I look out for at work

When I work as a sole proprietor, I feel very anxious when the payment from customers are late.So, I transfer the money ...

Expensive tax

I received a notice of property tax payment.It's so expensive that I shout "I don't want to pay!" Every year.固定資産税の納税通知書...

The account I was misunderstanding

When I was playing Android app game 'Animal Crossing', I've followed Shizue's on Twitter.However, it was actually not Sh...

My home in a chaotic situation

My first-born son(3 years old) runs around in my house because he can't go outside and has too much energy.He sometimes ...

My son’s training

When I use ab roller, my son says "I want to do it too."So, his abs were trained.腹筋ローラーやってると、息子くんが「僕もやるー!」といってやり始めるので、こい...

A inactive Instagrammer

I frequenly upload my kids' photo on Instagram.But, I can hardly go out now, so I can't take good photos.よくインスタに子供たちの写真を...

run out of ideas

I've been at home so much that I've run out of things to write in my diary.家に引きこもりっぱなしだと、書く事が無くなってくる。。校閲の内容まだ

My son’s kindergarten’s shcedule

Due to the influence of Corona, my son's kindergarten started in May.I hope that this disturbance will be resolved soon....

poorly written Japanese

Sometimes, I get an email from the contact form on my blog requesting a product review.It was written in very poor Japan...

My kids’ playground

My sons play in the bathroom a lot because they can't go anywhere because of Corona.息子たち、コロナの影響で、どこも出かけられなくて元気があり余ってるせいか...

A state of emergency

This morning, I called an ambulance because my wife had collapsed.I really wanted to chaperone her, but I couldn't go ou...

My son’s cavities?

My son (3 years old) was suspected of having a cavity, so I went to the dentist.The result was just dirt.That's great! I...

An animal that we are not usually seen

Today, I found a horse in the AEON parking lot.Can Ordinary homes have this animal?イオンの駐車場に馬が居たけど、普通に飼える動物なのか・・・?校閲の内容まだ

Normal operation under difficult conditions

Even in this difficult situation, I think that people who post their daily fun things on SNS as if nothing has happened ...

My son’s sabotage

My son said that when I was working on the PC"Dad, don't work! (Play with me!)"and then he close my laptop.息子くん、僕がPCで作業し...

Home Tips I did not know

It rained so badly today that my shoes got soaked.I thought about drying them in the bathroom, but my wife told me that ...

A little break

I'm really sleepy today.今日、めっちゃ眠い。先生にチェックをお願いした時の連絡Thank you always!I wrote a new English diary.But I was so tired yeste...


My Bluetooth earbuds in my jacket pocket were swirled in the washing machine!上着のポケットに入れていたBluetoothイヤホンが、洗濯機の中でメリーゴーランド!...

Very sleepy Monday

One of the disadvantages of childcare is that I can't take a rest on weekends.休日に疲れが全く取れんのが育児の欠点っすなー。校閲の内容I can’t get ti...

A bag with good smell

I bought katsudon for lunch and put it in my bag.Then the lid came off and the contents came out.So, my bag smells like ...

A helpful blog for my former coworker

The other day, I happened to meet a former coworker, so I talked with him for a while.In this conversation, he said"By t...

Continuation of my new task

I have to remove my tartar six times.It is the fifth time today.Only one left!It's no big deal but, I scratched the back...

A Boxer’s tool

The dentist made my mouthpiece.The last time I wore it was when I did boxing at high school.マウスピースを作ってもらった。これ付けるの、ボクシングや...

The legend of the Last Century Savior

Recently I go to the dentist.It's a bother. But the dentist has 'Hokuto-no-ken' in the waiting room, so I'm looking forw...

My new tasks

I finished my cavities treatment. But I have many tartar, so I have to remove them six times.I brush my teeth every day....

Difficult situation 2

The matter grows serious in my house because my wife caught a cold.It doesn't matter if I'm down, but if she's down, it'...

A distant future? Or a Near future?

Now I can hardly take my time because I have to take care of my kids.I have the feeling that in a few years or decades I...

The true meaning of that the famous painting

I heard that Edvard Munch's famous painting 'The Scream' means that the person standing in the center is not shouting, b...

A difficult time

Even if I catch a cold, my kids ask me to play with them regardless.Not only that, I have to change their diapers and gi...