

Japanese Film Festival

A friend of mine who lives in the Philippine told me about Japanese film festival in Davao.It opens until the end of Mar...

The Philippines social problem “Exploitation of labor”

I had a online lesson with one tutor who was an intern in the Philippines.She told me that the interns pay to the compan...

Paradise vs Heaven

One day, I couldn't catch one word in online English lesson.So, I asked the tutor to write down.The word was "Paradise"....

bad monks

During an online English conversation class, we were sharing interesting stories when the topic of Thai people and their...

Do some foods make you gay?

When I was talking about homosexuality and same-sex marriage in an online English conversation, the tutor introduced me ...

Winter Fireworks in the New Year

In some countries, people celebrate the New Year with fireworks.This is a very interesting custom that is not often seen...

Weird Christmas traditions in Japan

The custom of many Japanese families eating Kentucky Fried Chicken at Christmas seems strange to foreigners.So, I took a...

Languages that are very close in pronunciation

I sometimes meet Filipino tutor who are very fluent in Japanese pronunciation in online English lesson.In fact, there wa...

About Tanabata

During online English lesson, my second born son (3 years old) wearing Jinbei rushed in, so I decided to talk about Tana...

Ninja country

There are many people who still wear masks when they go out in Japan.It is a strange sight to foreigners.Then, a friend ...

Religion topic of each country

The other day, I talked about religion with an Indonesian tutor in english lesson online.He said "They tend to avoid tal...

Major pets of each country

I was chatting with the Indian development team at a meeting the other day until all the members arrived.And he said, "I...

White day gift

March 14th was White Day.It may not be familiar in countries except for Japan.It is the day that men give presents to wo...

How to win his heart on valentine’s day

I heard a something interesting about Valentine’s Day from a friend of mine who lives in Spain.Normally, men treat their...
Chat Style

The worlds customs of Valentine’s Day.

MeSo, February 14th is Valentine's Day.Normally, women give men chocolates in Japan.But, I heard that the customs in oth...

Christmas tree customs around the world

I told with the Pilipino tutor the other day.She showed me new year party's picture.There was a Christmas tree, I asked ...

Chaotic Christmas party

The other day, in an online English lesson, I got into a conversation about snacks with a tutor from the Philippines.The...

The word of condolence to take care of close friends.

I saw really interesting blog today.This is a blog by an Japanese engineer in Berlin.This contents is that he encountere...

How do you say “New Year’s Eve” in English?

By the way, the English tutor online said that word "New Year's Eve" at the end of last year.I heard that they eat noodl...

The topic on Philippines’s typhoon

The other day, I talked with English tutor online about typhoon in the Philippines.I was surprised to hear that about 20...

Online English tutor’s boy friend 2

This topic is a continuation from the othe day.I ask the tutor about her boyfriend in UK.She was a little shy and told m...