fake hobby

fake Chat Style

I often talk about beach in the Philippine in free talk during online English lesson these days.
You can specify by free word, so I search with “beach” to find a tutor.

And if I find a tutor whose hoppy is “Going to the beach”, I book the tutor’s lesson.
But, some tutors said “Not so much” when I ask the tutor “Do you like beach?”

I’m stumped. I want tutors to write their properly as a minimum.


I did not know you could search the tutors by words.
That is interesting. I remember when I needed to write that profile.
I think the online English lesson school I used to belong to prompted us to write something quite generic.
That might be why they ended up something like that, even if they are not that into it.
I don’t think many tutors know students can search us by words.


Oh, really? Is that a little-know feature?
If you look carefully, you can find it.

That makes total sense that there was an instruction on how to write the tutor’s profile.
Actually, I thought that the profiles of all the tutors to be very similar.
It won’t help to say something to the tutor if it is the management’s policy.


んで、趣味が「Going to the beach」って先生がいたら優先的に予約取ってるんだけど、「海は好き?」って聞いたら、「いや、そこまでは。」っていう先生と、時々遭遇する。

え? そうなんだ。あれ、マイナーな機能なんだ。



I often talk about beach in the Philippine in free talk online English lesson these days.
–> during online English lesson

You can specify by free word, so search by “beach” to find a tutor.
–>You can specify by free word, so I search with “beach” to find a tutor.

I want tutors to write their properly.
–> I want tutors to write their properly as a minimum.
as a minimumを最後につけることで、最低限〜してほしいという意味合いになります

That is a little-known future
–> Is that a little-know feature?
そうなんだね。というニュアンスの時はIs that so?などの定型文がありますが、soのところを文にするとより細かく意味が伝わります

Thank you for the incredibly information
–> incredibly usefulですね

