life Required abilities for humanity Today, it was the first snow in Fukuoka.I can't move because it's too cold.I think humanity should be equipped with hibe... 2020.02.17 life
Family My son’s hacking ability Surprisingly, my son has memorized my iPad password by shoulder shoulder surfing is a type of social engineer... 2020.02.16 Family
life The task everyone dislikes I finished my tax returns!Yeah! I cleaned the troublesome work!確定申告おわった!面倒臭い仕事が片付いた!やった!校閲の内容Task everyone dislikes → 厳密... 2020.02.15 life
life My teeth condition I went to the dentist.My cavities are now 3 remaining.It will be over soon!歯の治療行ってきた。残りあと3本!!!ようやく終わりが見えてきた!校閲の内容My toot... 2020.02.14 life
Family An important item for my son part 4 The other day, my son's drum sticks were broken.So, my wife bought new ones.My son loves them.先日、太鼓のバチが折れたので、新しいの購入。息子くん... 2020.02.13 Family
life Strange counts I found a Youtube video with a huge number of views that a man manipulates the elevator.The reason is because many child... 2020.02.12 life
life Dinner with ex-colleague I went to dinner with my former colleague.He was still unemployed, but he will be joining a company that just started up... 2020.02.11 life
Family An important item for my son part 3 The other day, the drum stick that the junior high school boy gave my son was broken.Sorry. Although we had used it care... 2020.02.10 Family
Family A very short song Recently, when my son plays "Taiko-no-tatsujin", he often selects Pikotaro's PPAP.The song is so short that I feel like ... 2020.02.09 Family
life My son’s pillow When I play with my second-born son, my first-born son says "Play with me!"Yesterday, my first-born son fall asleep in m... 2020.02.08 life
life A pounding food The bread that I ate this morning past the best before date one week ago.I heard it from my wife, and I'm a little excit... 2020.02.07 life
life A food with hardness like a stone I ate walnuts in the uncooked state for the first time.It was a souvenir from Vietnam. It seems to be a major food there... 2020.02.06 life
life An unnecessary ability I still can't write English without Google Translate.However, thanks to that I have a special ability.It's "the ability ... 2020.02.05 life
Family Something invisible to us? My second-born son(1 years old) often points something and says "this!"But sometimes he points an empty space.And he fol... 2020.02.04 Family
life My English log(Harf a year) Half a year has passed since I started writing my English diary.At the moment, I didn't write a big deal and couldn't se... 2020.02.03 life
Family My sons’ favorite food My second-born son(1 years old) eats Kashiwa rice better than baby food.He is the same as his brother!They will surely g... 2020.02.02 Family
life Treatment of my caries I went to the dentist to treat my caries!I have only 10 caries left.Until a while ago, there were 14 caries.Why did I le... 2020.02.01 life
Family Childrens’ growing speed Sometimes, I hear that 'Children grow up in no time.'But I think 'Nooo!!!! Please grow up fast! Don't give me much tro... 2020.01.31 Family
Family The road to Taiko master A while ago, my son used to set the difficulty level of 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' to 'easy', but now he set 'normal'.I wonder ... 2020.01.30 Family
Family Night Invitation The other day, when I was working in my room in the middle of the night, my son(3 years old) came in and said, "Daddy, p... 2020.01.29 Family
Family An effect of my son’s practice Recently, at the request of my son(3 years old), we often play 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' with him.Thanks to that, my wife has ... 2020.01.28 Family
life Dental treatment and subsequent meals I went to the dentist because there was a hole in my back tooth.It was pretty terrible. I didn't notice, but there were ... 2020.01.27 life
Family Proof of my son’s practice He got blisters on his hands because he played 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' too much.And I wonder how many 100 yen coins I throwe... 2020.01.26 Family
Family An important item for my son part 2 The other day, when my son and my wife played 'Taiko-no-tatsujin', a junior high school boy spoke to them.He said"I quit... 2020.01.25 Family
LT An English document I will make part13 This diary is a continuation from the previous day.The event finished!And I brought home the video I present.I really ap... 2020.01.24 LT
LT An English document I will make part12 This diary is a continuation from the previous day.Well. It's finally the actual presentation day today.I really wanted ... 2020.01.23 LT
LT An English document I will make part11 This diary is a continuation from the previous day.I asked to the organizer of the event, he willing to take care of it.... 2020.01.22 LT
LT An English document I will make part10 This diary is a continuation from the previous day.Overview up to the other dayI applied for the event that engineers ga... 2020.01.21 LT
Family An important item for my son My son(3 years old) is really into "Taiko-no-tatsujin"He is still short and needs a stand to play the game.He finds and ... 2020.01.20 Family
Family My son’s search skill My son(3 years old) started launching my Android tablet and telling Google Assistant "Taiko-no-tatsujin".And he showed h... 2020.01.19 Family
life A funny game commentator This is my favorite video of Kizuna-Ai game playing. (It's a digest version)The playback time of this video is only 4 se... 2020.01.18 life