
UNIT 94. Relative Clauses 5: Extra Information Clauses(2)

APropositions + whom/whichYou can use a preposition before whom (for people) and which (for things). So you can say:to w...

UNIT 93. Relative Clauses 4: Extra Information Clauses(1)

AThere are two types of relative clauses. I these examples, the relative clauses are underlined.Compare:----------------...

UNIT 92. Relative Clauses 3: whose/whom/where

AWhoseWe use whose in relative clauses instead of his/her/their:------------------------------we saw some people - "thei...

UNIT 91. Relative Clauses 2: Clauses with and without who/that/which

ALook at these example sentences from Unit 90:------------------------------ - The woman "who" lives next door is a doct...

UNIT 90. Relative Clauses 1: Clauses with who/that/which

ALook at this example sentences:The woman who lives next door is a doctor."who lives next door" - relative clauseA claus...

UNIT 89. Each and every

AEach and every are similar in meaning. Often it is possible to use each or every: - Each time (or Every time) I see you...

UNIT 88. All, very, and whole

AAll and everybody/everyoneWe do not normally use all to mean everybody/everyone: - Everybody enjoyed the party. (not Al...

UNIT 87. Both/both of, neither/neither of, either/either of

AWe use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book, etc.).For exa...

UNIT 86. All/all of, most/most of, no/none of, etc.

Aallsomeanymostmuch/manylittle/fewnoYou can use the words in the box with a noun (some food / few books, etc.): - All ca...

UNIT 85. Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty

AWe use much and little with uncountable nouns:much timemuch lucklittle energylittle moneyWe use many and few with plura...

UNIT 84. No/none/any Nothing/nobody, etc.

ANo and noneWe use no + noun. No = not a or not any: - We had to walk home because there was no bus. (= there wasn't a b...

UNIT 83. Some and any

AIn general we use some (also somebody/someone/something) in positive sentences and any (also anybody, etc.) in negative...

UNIT 82. There … and It …

AThere and it------------------------------A : There's a new restaurant on Main street.B : Yes, I know. I went there las...

UNIT 81. A friend of mine / My own house / By myself

AA friend of mine / a friend of Tom's, etc.We say "a friend of mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs": - I'm going to a weddin...

UNIT 80. Myself/yourself/themselves, etc.

AStudy this example:------------------------------Steve : Hi, I'm Steve.Steve introduced himself to the other guests.We ...

UNIT 79. -‘s(your sister’s name) and of … (the name of the book)

AWe use -'s (apostrophe + s) mostly for people or animals: - Tom's computer isn't working. (not the computer of Tom) - H...

UNIT 78. Noun + Noun (a tennis ball / a headache, etc.)

AYou can use two nouns together (noun + noun) to mean one thing/person/idea, etc. For example:a tennis balla bank manage...

UNIT 77. Singular and Plural

ASometimes we use a plural noun for one thing that has two parts. For example:Pants (two legs)also jeans / slacksshorts ...

UNIT 76. Names with and without the 2

ANames without theWe do not use the with names of most city streets / roads / squares / parks, etc.Union Street (not the...

UNIT 75. Names with and without the 1

AWe do not use the with names of people (Ann, taylor, etc). In the same way, we do not normally use the with names of pl...

UNIT 74. The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano, etc.; the + Adjective)

AStudy these sentences:------------------------------ - The giraffe is the tallest of all animals. - The bicycle is an e...

UNIT 73. The 3 (children / the children)

AWhen we are talking about things or people in genera, we do not use the: - I'm afraid of dogs. (not the dogs) (dogs = d...

UNIT 72. The 2 (school / the school, etc.)

ACompare school and the school:------------------------------Claudia is 10 years old. Every day she goes to school.She's...

UNIT 71. The 1

AWe use the when there is only one of something: - What is the longest river in the world? (there is only one longest ri...

UNIT 70. A/an and the

AStudy this example:------------------------------John :I had a sandwich and an apple for lunch.The sandwich wasn't very...

UNIT 69. Countable Nouns with a/an and some

ACountable nouns can be singular or plural:a doga childthe eveningthis partyan umbrelladogssome childrenthe eveningsthes...

UNIT 68. Countable and Uncountable 2

AMany nouns can be use as countable or uncountable nouns, usually with a difference in meaning.Compare:-----------------...

UNIT 67. Countable and Uncountable 1

AA noun can be countable of uncountable:------------------------------CountableI eat a banana every day.I like bananas.B...

UNIT 66. -ing Phrases (Feeling tired, I went bed early.)

AStudy these situations:------------------------------Joe was playing football. He hurt his knee.You can say: - Joe hurt...

UNIT 65. See somebody do and see somebody doing

AStudy this example situation:------------------------------Tom got into his car and drove away. You saw this.You can sa...

UNIT 64. To … (afraid to do) and Preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)

AAfraid to (do) and afraid of (do) ingI am afraid to do something = I don't want to do it because it is dangerous or the...