
My sons at the zoo

During the holidays, We went to the zoo with my children.I should keep my eyes on my children, because they are still sm...

My son’s sixth sense?

We came back from my wife's parents' home.Recently, my son(3 years old) very frequently said "Let's visit grandma and gr...

the tireless children

It is a holiday, our family visiting my wife’s parents.We got on a train, got on a bus, boarded a ship, went to a zoo, a...

My son’s this year’s second birthday?

It is a holiday, our family visiting my wife's parents.My son was born in May, but he said unreasonably, ”Let's hold a b...

Admirable residents

In Animal Crossing, I am glad that the residents of the city applaud me when I caught a fish.Even though I caught fish b...

My son’s favorite place

Recently, my son had wanted to visit his grandparents, so we decided to go during next holiday.Incidentally, my son call...
Learning english

An imitation of my favorite Youtuber

As part of learning English, I imitate a youtuber's contents.Recently, I started watching a channel frequently.In this c...

My son who rampages by injection

My wife took my son to be vaccinated.He was on a rampage, so my wife and two nurses held him down.But, after the inciden...

The best game player in my family

When I played "Animal Crossing" with my tablet, sometimes my son said, "Lend it!"So I lent it to him.I was surprised tha...
Learning english

A book I can use for studying?

When my son and I were waiting for a bus, we were greeted by a lady we hadn't seen.While talking with her, she introduce...

A cute but spoilt child

Recently, when my son and I went out, he said "Can you carry me on your shoulders?" right away.So, I replied “Well, are ...

My son’s kindergarten

Today I went to a kindergarten briefing for my son.Each kindergarten has a variety of features, so I am really concern a...

My son has wasteful habits.

When I played "Animal Crossing" with a tablet, my son said, "Lend it!"So I lent it to my son. Then he spent all my leaf ...
Learning english

The topic that I am interested in

My English teacher said "If you are studying English, you should follow Donald Trump on Twitter".But I stopped seeing hi...
Learning english

Nintendo Magic

I could understand gradually the reason why my son who can't read yet can play the game smoothly.The game has very user-...
Learning english

The cute navigator of “Animal Crossing”

Since I started “Animal Crossing”, I've followed Shizue on Twitter.It's amazing! She has 260,000 followers!I know, she i...
Learning english

Nintendo’s intelligent tactics.

My son plays "Animal Crossing Pocket Camp" game of Nintendo.I tried English version of it, then I realized Nintendo's in...

My son is a resident of “Animal Village”.

Recently, my son is really into the Android app game "Animal Crossing Pocket Camp".He still can't read Japanese. But he ...

My new smartphone

I bought a new smartphone before the consumption tax goes up.I transfered the contacts and installed the applications ea...
Learning english

It’s a strange text. But you can read it.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny i...

My son’s loving expression

When I take a walk with my son (3 years old), sometimes he hold my hand naturally.His hands are so soft and cute.Sometim...

The threat of RSV

I'd been feeling cold for a couple of weeks, but I have recovered.My son(9 months old) was infected with RSV. Maybe I wa...

Fun sushi restaurant for my son

My san(3 years old) said "I want to go to sushi restaurant!" repeatedly, so we went to sushi-go-round.Incidentally, my s...

Attractive boy?

I felt my son's legs were beautiful.I may have an abnormal propensity.... But, My wife thought it same way.OK! I'm norma...

Wedding ceremony of my friend

I went to my friend's wedding yesterday.Every time I heard his girlfriend's crazy episode, I said "you should break up w...

Wonderful greeting from my son

My son got up in the morning and suddenly said "I love you" so today is a good day.息子くんが朝起きて、いきなり「大好きー」と言ってきたので、今日はいい日です...

My brother’s new hobby

My brother started boxing.That's nice! I want to start it too.(I used to enjoy boxing when I was a student.)But now I ca...
Learning english

Actually, I have a hard time thinking about the title.

Even a few lines of text, I have a hard time writing this blog.We often omit the subjects and the objects in Japanese bu...
Learning english

My son’s pronunciation is better than mine….

I subscribe to KODOMO-challenge-English(English teaching material for young children).It contains DVD.My son(3 years old...

exchangeable head?

Sometimes my son(3 years old) throws an Anpanman-shaped ball on my head.Sorry. It can't be exchanged for my head.息子くん(3歳...
Learning english

How to use books recommended by my teacher

I read the reference book recommended by my English teacher.But I was using it incorrectly.I didn't have to solve the pr...