
BGM in the bathroom

My son starts to sing ‘Anpanman-no-March’ whenever he's taking a bath with me.He remembers all the lyrics of the song.Gr...

The season of hibernation

The weather suddenly got cold.Because I was born and raised in Okinawa, I can't stand the cold.After all, humanity shoul...

Taiko-no-tatsujin’s intelligent tactics.

My son frequently plays 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' with me.One day, I realized it is a good tactic.This game extends the life o...

His favorite music

My son loves 'Taiko-no-tatsujin', so he frequently says "I want to play 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' "But he only plays 'Anpanman...

My son’s unintentional selfie photo.

Sometimes, when I take a picture, my son says "I want to 'Say cheese.. snap!' " and he picks up my smartphone.He frequen...

Or just me?

The common things fathers do.They get more tired on holidays.お父さんあるある休日の方が疲労が溜まる。参考「あるあるネタ」に相当する英語(というか文化)は、無いらしい。校閲の内容(...

Children’s facility

We went to KASUYA-KODOMOKAN.The facility in Kasuya-gun has both the function of a children's house and the function of a...

Retro Family Mart

Family Mart at Mojiko has an interesting coloring.It's unusual retro color.This color is not caused by light or camera.門...
Learning english

My English log

Three months have passed since I started writing my diary in English.If I do my best, I will not continue because of run...

train lover

We went to KYUSYU-TETSUDO-KINENKAN for my son who loves trains.They are nostalgic red brick buildings reminiscent of the...


Our family went on a ship trip.The ship's name is "Retro cruise"They have a tour that we can see the Mojiko retro citysc...

My kids’ safeliving land?

Our family visits my wife's parents.My first-born son and second-born son are very relax.I wonder if we will live here f...

Are they scary animals for him?

Our family went to the zoo.For my son(3 years old), large animals like tigers, elephants and lions seemed a little scary...

Amazing sand sculptures

We went to ASHIYA-SAZOUTEN.Many sand sculptures that make us think "Are they really made of sand?" are on display at the...

My kids’ habits

My kids have been imitating my gestures and my habitual sayings.They observe me more than I think.People say “Children a...

value of health

Phew! Finally, my headache has cured and fever has gone.This time, I was the only one who caught a cold in my family, so...

Bad day..

I have had a cold, so I slept all day.I didn't have the power to write, so today's is short.風邪引いて一日中ぶっ倒れてました。書く気力も無いので、今...
Learning english

A problem of English education in Japan?

One day, I thought "Why my English written ability is so low?", so I looked back on English education I had received in ...

It’s my son attribute?

Sometimes, my son asks me "Sit here! (Please sit next to me!)".But he occasionally points me to a wet place after a rain...

My son’s towel?

My son loves soft-serve ice cream, so when I'm eating it, he says, "please!"That's OK. But if your hands get dirty while...

Are they lilies?

One day, after having a cake at the cake shop, when I looked at the kitchen at the time of accounting, my eyes got glued...

my son’s whisper

I play with my son(3 years old) at night.When I was about to turned back and leave the bedroom to go to the bathroom,he ...

It’s invibisible thing for me?

When my son and I take a walk together, he picks up grass, stones, and plastic bottle caps, and asks me "Daddy, what is ...

My son’s power supply

Sometimes, my son suddenly falls asleep like a dead battery when he is playing with the tablet.息子くん、タブレットで遊んでると、時々スイッチが切...

a stone head child

My son's head is too hard, so I no longer worry if he hits a wall or a floor.Sometimes, he tackled vigorously with his s...

Will it eventually become “The Grandfather Clock” ?

In my house there is a table clock that I bought by my first salary.Before I knew it, It had become my first-born son's ...

Interesting customs in Fukuoka

In order to select my son's kindergarten, we came to see a sports day in a nearby kindergarten.They said, "YAA!!" when s...

a restless boy

My son said "I want to go to sushi restaurant!" again, so we went there.Until his ordered menu arrived, he went back and...

My son’s wish?

One day, I carried my son(3 years old) like a princess, then he loved this action.Since then, he frequently requests to ...

The finest white wine

The white wine that we took away from my wife's parents' home was fine.So, I wanted to say "Goooood! It's Frinday!", wan...

The way my son eats Taiyaki

When you eat taiyaki, where do you take the first bite?The head? Or the tail?My son's first bite is the body.たい焼きを食べるとき、...