
I want to play more with my family

Yesterday, my wife went to dinner with her friends.One of her friends play Nintendo switch game 'Smash Brothers' with he...

My second-born son’s first birthday! But…

It was 1-year-old birthday of the second-born son yesterday.My sister said "Do you have any plans to hold his birthday p...

My son’s playgrounds

My son was an indoor person until a while ago, but recently he started playing the parks again.Good!I made a web site wh...

My wife’s important promise

Tomorrow my wife has an very important promise to talk with her friends about 'Ossans-love(TV drama)'So, I will take car...

The competition my son challenges?

When my son went to play with my wife and was playing 'Taiko no Tatsujin' as usual, he was talked to by a parent who wer...

A marriage proposal from my son?

My son told me 'It's freezing... Daddy, can I hold your hands?'So, we kept holding hands on our way home.We so love. May...

My son’s control stick

My son has been twisting vigorously my neck when I carry him on my shoulder.Someday, my neck may hurt.....息子くん、肩車してる間、自分...

My son’s favorite genre of music

My son loves 'Taiko-no-tatsujin'.He has started playing some songs other than 'Anpanman-no-March' and 'Natsu-matsuri'.He...

The truth of the character name of ‘Hakata AMU’

About the name of the character on the information board of 'Hakata AMU', since the name of the building is 'AMU', is he...

Greeting from my son

My son talks to an Electronic guide board "How are you!" if its language setting is English.Maybe, that is the effect of...

My son’s growth

My son's language development was slow-growing.So, we have gone to development counseling regularly.But, because his gro...

Today’s dinner

My wife made gyoza for me.They were delicious, and had wings!嫁様ちゃんが餃子作ってくれた。羽根つきで美味しい。校閲の内容(修正前)It was delicious, and th...

My English log(4th month)

Four months have passed since I started writing my diary in English.I can write them smoothly...... not yet.It become a ...

It’s a very nostalgic song.

My son loves 'Taiko-no-tatsujin'.He only plays 'Anpanman-no-March’.But he recently started playing other song.Now, his f...

A medical equipment for children?

My wife had a stuffy nose.So she tried using the equipment to suction her stuffy nose.But it had no effect.Maybe it is o...

A little scary conversation between the children

The boys who were playing with my son in the park said"Are we going home soon?""Umm.. I don't want to go home yet. Becau...

My son’s favorite behavior

Recently, my son(3 years old) is really into greeting a person he hasn't seen.If the response is favorable, he holds the...
Learning english

When I don’t have anything to write in my diary.

I hardly write anything in my diary except the stories about my sons.And then, I think a rewrite the diary I wrote in th...

The termination signal

I'm an engineer, so I often research on technical themes and write a source code as a hobby at night.Recently, my son ta...

Noisy medical equipment

My second-born son had caught a cold and he had a stuffy nose.So, my wife bought an equipment to improve it.It makes a p...

My son’s favorite food

My son said "I'm hungry", therefore I made french fries and gave them to him.Then my son told me "Thank you! It was deli...

My son’s new challenge

My son downloaded and played Android app game 'Taiko-no-tatsujin' by himself.Naturally, he plays ‘Anpanman-no-March’.息子く...

My easy-to-use pen

I hesitated to buy a Apple's official iPad pen that the price is over 10,000 yen, but I decided to buy it after all.I ha...

My new hobby?

At 'KASUYA-KODOMOKAN' nearby children raise support center, we can use freely its gymnasium.And we can play 'Wanage'.It ...

Parcel from my parents.

A parcel arrived from my parents in Okinawa.There were children's clothes, sweets, and various kinds of Chinsuko(Okinawa...

Cheerful tourist

I heard that story from my wife.When my son was playing 'Taiko-no-tatsujin', about 8 tourists were watching it.Once my s...

My new tablet

The Android tablet that I usually used was dead.So I bought an iPad instead.Let's try drawing.However, I was surprised a...

My son’s bus announcement

My son loves buses, so he memorizes the names and the order of bus stops more accurately than me.For example, when we ar...

Strange photos

Sometimes, My smartphone had the photos I didn't know.I'd been wondering, but the criminal was my son.I use fingerprint ...

Our weekends

When my kids wake up on a weekend morning,I feel "Oh, my day off is over(The rest of my day will be spent with kids, so ...

The bomb he dropped

An IT event was held today, so when I was about to go out. My son told me "Dad, Don't go to work! (Play with me today be...